Saturday, March 12, 2005

Some thoughts after a break

So I haven't posted anything for over a month. One of the reasons that I started this blog was because I wanted to encourage myself to write more often. But then I started thinking: why do I need to publish my writing to the web?

I read so many blogs over the last couple of months that I started to get turned off by the whole blogging thing. I am questioning the motivation behind blogging. Do people do it for personal satisfaction, and/or to help them work out thoughts in their head? I think many do; in this respect a blog is very similar to a diary (an open-book one at that). But it seems like most people are doing anything and everything to get themselves read by others. All the advertising and other junk on people's blogs is really just an extension of society: sell and buy; buy and sell. The ideas seem to get lost in the shuffle.

What I would find most satisfying is if a healthy discussion ensued on topics of interest: politics, music and other forms of art, or really anything else that one would like to discuss.


Blogger Laura said...

I kept an online diary for 2,3 years and I got bored with myself! I agree..I would much rather learn something or discuss something than read what someone had for lunch that day. My current blog is about what I am doing in my studio, the arts, artists... do drop by. I'm making paper pulp today!

March 12, 2005 at 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I think we should move to a strictly begging-based economy. Everybody should just do their thing and let the universe throw them what they need.

I know what you mean about blogs that look more like tacky billboards than idea exchanges, but the reality is that it's nice to have bread to eat. There's a reasonable balance, I think.

I permalinked to you from my new blog, by the way. Feel free to return the favor. It would help drive traffic to my site, and that would make me happy if not money.

March 17, 2005 at 3:06 PM  

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